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1.   Select your animals by clicking the Biopsy/ID shortcut on the Dashboard view or filter and sort litters by biopsy date


*You may do this from the dashboard “Biopsy” or “Wean” buttons for active litters




*You can also go to the litters page directly and filter and sort to find the litters you need


2.   Select/Highlight the litter you would like to genotype and click the eye icon to view




3.   Select the three-dot menu and Biopsy Litter




4.   Enter numbers of Males and Females, if known, and select Save and Generate to create individual mouse records.




5.   To view the IDs and record Biopsy click ID LITTER and click Biopsy and SAVE, then ADD TO CART




6.   Click the Cart in the top menu bar to see all litters added 


7.   Icons in the Required Actions will display if the animal requires and ID or biopsy



* Click the icon to go to the litter workbench to accomplish the work


* Select ID Litter to apply identification to the mouse


* Select Biopsy to record having taken a sample


* Save


* Add to Cart


Adding individual mice


1.   Select the mice in the list and then the biopsy mice icon



2.   Choose the biopsy type for the animals (we cannot genotype blood at this time.) Then click Save



3.   Click the shopping cart icon (in selection bar to the right of the biopsy icon-NOTat the top of page) to add to cart




Assemble your Plate and Order


1.   At the top right of screen, you should now see that there are items in a cart – click that cart 


2.   Select all the mice and litters by checking the check box at the top left of the list then click the start new order button in bottom right



3.   Enter the Transnetyx well plate barcode # that begins with ‘T’ ex. T123456



* Your animals are on the left, your plate on the right


4.   DRAG AND DROP to the plate


* Drag and drop animals to the plate (single)



* Dragging the strain name, all samples will be added to the plate



* If you do not wish the sample to be typed at this time but have it in the plate, click “omit”


* If your sample is a control, click “control”


* If you would like to add samples later you may then select the plate and add them prior to submission


* Incomplete orders appear on the left upon entry to Cart


Note: On this step you can select edit probes to view which probes are run.


You can print the list of samples and plate map to take with you to load the plate. If you have already loaded the plate, you may have to make sure the samples are in the right order from how you loaded the plate. The drag and drop we did up top will load the plate based on ID number. If the samples are not in the right order, click the clear button in the upper right of the well plate map. Then drag each sample to the plate to put them in the correct well plate location.


5.   Click SAVE and NEXT


* View the billing information (all these samples are free so disregard billing if any displays)


* Enter the FedEx barcode for sending to Transnetyx


* Click the SUBMIT ORDER button in bottom right of the screen




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