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Transnetyx accepts yolk sac samples for genotyping. 


  1. Transnetyx real-time PCR technology is extremely sensitive; any contamination with excess fluid can cause undetermined results. Please follow the guidelines below to collect yolk sac samples.Take the whole yolk sac and place in a well of a 96-well plate (you may use any clean, sterile 96-well plate for this initial drying step).
  2. Using a clean cotton swab (Fisher cat# 23—400-114, for example), press the swab into the well and rotate to absorb all the fluid and dry the sample. Swabs can be provided, upon request.
  3. Take the swab out with the yolk sac stuck to the swab. Peel the yolk sac tissue off the swab with small tweezers and place in the designated plate well. A relatively dry sample is very important.
  4. Place the samples in the designated Transnetyx 96-well plate, and firmly press the rubber cap mat into the wells to ensure no sample contamination in transit.
  5. Yolk sac tissue may be shipped at room temperature in a Transnetyx 96-well plate as usual. No special shipping is required.


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