For cultured cell testing, Transnetyx recommends providing a clearly visible pellet of at least 2mm, as free of media and wash liquid as possible. For a more detailed protocol, please see below.
Cell Sample Preparation for Genotyping
1. Grow cells to ~90% confluency.
2. Rinse twice with PBS.
3. Trypsinize the cells according to your protocol.
4. Transfer to a conical tube and gently spin down.
5. Remove supernatant and re-suspend cells in a minimal volume of TE (~20µl).
**If this is not possible, perform 6 & 7. Otherwise, skip to 8.
6. Transfer samples to Transnetyx well plate.
7. Spin well plate and remove supernatant.
8. If liquid present, freeze well plate and ship on dry ice. A cooler box for shipping samples on dry ice can be requested through the Transnetyx web site,
9. If no liquid present, the plate can be shipped at ambient temperature.
Note about #5: If your centrifuge cannot accommodate the Transnetyx well plate, then perform the second wash in tubes and do your best to carefully transfer the cell pellets to the Transnetyx well plate. Remove any excess supernatant.
Minimize the free liquid as much as possible in order to allow room in the well for cell lysing to be performed at Transnetyx. Please include the type of tissue in the strain notes section on step one of order placement.