Oct 24, 2019
What types of tissue can Transnetyx accept?
- We accept almost any part of the mouse, including tails, toes, and ears at a minimum of 2mm-5mm. ?
- We will accept organs—we only need enough tissue cut to fit in the bottom portion of the well to have enough room to add our reagents.
- We will accept gDNA (liquid DNA) in the event dry tissue cannot be sent. We need 100-150uL (no more than 150 or we will not have enough room to add our reagents) at 30-50ng/uL sent back in one of our red liquid DNA plates that can be requested through [email protected]. These samples should be packed on dry ice and picked up by FedEx directly (even for TAGCenter locations).
- We will also accept cells and embryos. (Click links for detailed steps for collection)
- We will accept formalin fixed tissues that have had the paraffin removed. The customer must note this on step three of order placement to ensure proper processing of the sample.
- We cannot accept blood or plasmids.
Please contact Genetic Services if you have further questions about what tissue types are accepted.