Oct 24, 2019
We make it easy by providing you with everything you need to collect and send your samples. For the best results, here are some important do’s and dont's to know before you collect your genotyping samples. Transnetyx is here to help you with your project.
Sample Types
- DO follow sample size guidelines for your sample type – 2mm-5mm
- DO use a separate well plate when sending embryos
- DO read the procedures for sending embryos or other organs
- DON’T send too much sample
- DON’T EVER Send Plasmids
Sample Collection Procedures
- DO thoroughly clean instrument between samples
- DO load the well plate vertically (not horizontally)
- DO seal the plate completely AFTER collecting the samples with the provided cap mat
- DO write down the barcode of your well plate before sending
- DON’T add water or liquid to the wells
- DON’T use sporicide to clean the surfaces or instruments used in biopsying
- DON’T cut the provided rubber cap mat
- DON’T send in your well plate map (keep this to place your order on-line)
Validate your assay
- DO send known positive and negative samples to validate your assay … Why is Probe and Strain Validation so Important?