Search, sort, filter, and group
1. In Mice Page, display columns for Mother ID and Father ID 2. Search by Cage: 3. Or by Mouse ID:
May 2019
1. Locate animals to Cull * Tap Cull List * Tap Map (animals marked for cull are indicated in cage view * Tap a Cage 2. Perform work in cage * Tap 3-dot to edit whole cage * Tap Bulk Mark Dead * Choose reason Euthanasia * Confirm Date * Save Record of Work: * Note will indicate requesto…
To find animals in breeding pre-labeled for retire or as non-productive 1. Go to Mice list at the top of your dashboard 2. Go to the 3-dot menu on the upper right side of the page 3. Filter for Use: Breeding 4. Remove Strain grouping 5. Drag “Cage ID” to group 6. Search in top se…
There are many ways to view the animals per cage in the mice list (sort and filter for strain and sex, group by cage) For performing the work, we recommend the Cage Rack View: 1. Go to Cage and select Room and Rack, and filtering as needed by strain can help you quickly view numbers per cage and select to comb…
From Breeding list: 1. Go to BREEDINGS at the top of the dashboard 2. Find the breeding pair you would like to retire and click on it • This screen will appear • Click on the 3-dot menu and select retire breeding From MICE List: 1. Go to MICE at the top of the dashboard 2. Select the…
Label Administration
1. View the Mice: * Go to Mice * Filter * Select Living Status * Unselect Alive and Select Transferred * Apply (Add filter by strain or whatever helps you see these animals) 2. Update the mice: * Click on the animal's 3 dot edit menu * Select Edit in the drop down * Go to Transferred and swit…